Dorsal Trilobite w/Eggs


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This is an Exceptional example of a Dorsal Trilobite w/eggs. It is a Triarthrus eatoni Trilobite from Oneida County, New York.

Trilobites such as this are rare and in most cases exhibit soft tissue preservation as pyrite replacement.

This is a Natural Dorsal Triarthrus eatoni Trilobite. It is a very special Fossil Dorsal Trilobite w/Eggs. Because soft tissue preservation is so rare, these trilobites are highly sought after. These trilobites are generally very small. So in this block there is one small trilobite and one large size for the species. These trilobites come form the rich layers originally worked and described by Beecher. Because of his work we now know more about these trilobites and their soft tissue replacement.

The Triarthrus eatoni Fossil Dorsal Trilobite w/eggs was found in Frankfort Formation of Oneida County, New York.

Because of the deposits they are found in, they appear to have lived on the deep sea floor and these environments with little oxygen was perfect for fossilization. These were found in the Frankfort Formation, called Beecher’s Trilobite Bed. Pyrite has delicately preserved Triarthrus to the point of soft tissue preservation.

This one is just over 1/8 inch long with antennae and sits on a dark gray rock 2 1/2 inches by 2 1/2 inches. The attached photograph is of the Pyritized Triarthrus trilobite on the block.