This is a Pleistocene Fossil Alligator Scute
Found in a Florida river by divers several years ago.
This Fossil Alligator Scute 7 is a section of the dermis, the outer skin of an Alligator.
These dermal plates are the external protection or “Skin” of an animal that has been around since the Cretaceous Period. This one was recovered from a Florida River by Divers. During the Pleistocene ocean levels rose and fell. These animals lived and died and were buried. Over time they were covered by sediment. Because of the weathering processes of the earth they would be eroded to the surface. In other cases because rivers change their course, these Alligator Scutes would wash into the rivers and then be found by swimmers or divers. And these are often found on section of the river with pebbles and stones.
Because of storms like hurricanes many fossils are washed up on the river banks and beaches of costal Florida. But often these are found by shoveling the river bottom into sifting screens and sifting the sediment.
When collecting today, because of current alligators in the rivers, people are stationed on the banks watching for danger.
This Fossil Alligator scute 7 is 2 1/4 by 2 inches and 1/2 inch high in the center.