Sampler of a Genuine Fossil Dinosaur Bone Fragment, a Piece of Turtle Shell and a Garfish Scale.
This is a grouping of a Cretaceous fossils from the Hell Creek Formation near Baker, Montana.
There are Cretaceous Genuine Fossil Dinosaur Bone 5 fragment, Trionyx turtle shell piece and Garfish Scale. They come from a surface collecting dig and were collected legally on a ranch within the Badlands of Montana. Because the badlands have little vegetation, when it rains, the rains wash away sediment. So when prospecting bone fragments as well as turtle shell, fish scales and other fossils are exposed. There are many bone fragments found while prospecting. But when the bone is exposed to the elements it begins to decay. Because this decay is rapid, a dinosaur bone may fall into dust in just a few years. This bone is also called float because it “floats” downhill revealing a possible dinosaur bone bed. This Fossil Dinosaur Bone 5 and other fossils were collected by myself and PaleoJen.
The fragments are found on the surface and as such are usually broken. But these collecting trips do indicate that fossils might be found there. But much digging will have to be done first. I have placed the fossils in these black leatherette collectors cases so that they can be sold to raise cash for future expeditions.